Sunday, February 17, 2008

Alyx Golfin'...

Since I'll be out of town for Chris' birthday (2/19), we celebrated on Saturday. Alyx wanted to get dad something golf oriented, so we came up with a tribute to his favorite past time...showcasing his favorite girl.

As you can see, she's really getting into the whole theme and needless to say it's one of the cutest ideas ever. We went all out with clothes, shoes, and even her own set of clubs! It took us the majority of the day & I completely got initiated for my future role.

We took ~ 24 pics and selected the best one to put into a frame for Dad's work office. He completely was taken by surprise!

1 comment:

Kuratko's said...

How adorable! Well worth the day's effort I'd say. And how could Chris not like such a wonderful picture for his Birthday.